Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Power of Intention, Is Saying I Can & I Will effect sufficient to Succeed?

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Arizona Unemployment! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Years ago, as a teenager, I read a quote that said, "Energy is perserverence made habitual." Now I know a great deal is being written about the power of imagination, you've got to believe it before you see it, the imagery of doing within while doing without (until the without happens), but a lot of people I know are sorely disappointed that imagining success, more money, a good career, or seeing love isn't happening for them now -- and the way things are going in their lives it looks like it's not going to be occurring in the foreseeable future. "Why" they wonder, "am I doing all the right things I've read about in the law of attraction materials and my hopes and dreams are backfiring?"

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How is The Power of Intention, Is Saying I Can & I Will effect sufficient to Succeed?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Arizona Unemployment.

Let's take a clser look and see if maybe the talk as to what's going on -- this lack of success -- doesn't emerge as each of us learning to good employ the power of intention.

"Expectation sends an spirited message to our neural system. While it lasts we are alert and most likely to be rewarded." --Max Gunther, The Luck Factor

Ever feel like you're banging your head against a wall trying to outline out the game of life and how to play it?

An aged Sufi story illustrates the plight of so many friends whose stories of trying this, that, and the other thing, who feel almost intangibly they are somehow losing their lives in the process of trying to live them.

One night a moth sees a lamp, a burning flame enclosed in glass. The moth spends the entire night bumping against the glass, trying to come to be One with the flame. In the morning the moth returns to its friends and tells them of the beautiful flame it has seen. "You don't look the good for it," they say.

If this has been your experience--and who among us hasn't gone straight through situations about like this--the ask becomes, "How do we make the right course corrections so this "nonsense" doesn't keep happening?"

Let's begin with talking about Intention Power and Why Intentions are Powerful.

Each pulse of Intention is an electrical spark, a considerable life current, an intention signal or "message" transmitted from us, outwardly, to the Universe, to the Absolute (what the writer Neville Goddard referred to as "the Unconditioned Awareness of Being").

Dr. Alexis Carrell called prayer [what I'm here referring to here as a living from Intention] an indiscernible emanation, "the most considerable form of energy that one can generate."

What we hope to have returned to us is a life that looks like, that resembles the Intention pulses we initially sent out. Right?

Intentions control like an inner satellite dish that, once we Know unhesitatingly what we truly desire from life, transmits (beams) our Intention Signal far and wide to the far-flung corners of the universe (if necessary) to search people, opportunities, and best places that sustain our considerable Intentions.

When our Intention is Clear we send out a considerable signal to an attuned Creative Life Force that this, more than anything else, is what we want to give as well as receive from Life.

When our Intentions are Steady and Unwavering, an answer, a solution, a way to make our dreams real often Appears at its appointed time and, except in rare exceptions, the timing of this appearance is commonly beyond our ability to control, although there are rare exceptions in which our affect is felt in spacetime.

We cannot sweep the ocean with a broom although a lot of people never give up trying.

"Like many of the finest things of life, like happiness and tranquility and fame," Benjamin Cardozo wrote, "the gain that is most precious is not the thing sought, but the one that comes of itself in the crusade for something else."

We may fail often in our efforts to force things to "fall into place the way as we want them to" far faster than the programming code for them will allow. Eventually, with any number of trial and error efforts on our part, we (hopefully) learn to leap, have faith, and perceive that a supporting net for all our efforts will appear when it's supposed to--in its own best time.

Until then, what are we supposed to do? The religious doctrine of the German philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) has helped me immeasurably while while those long, long periods of my life when it seemed Nothing was happening--and ever would.

He wrote: "Until one is committed, there is hesitation, the occasion to draw back, all the time making for ineffectiveness. With regard to all acts of initiative [insert, if you wish, acts flowing from powerfully positioned Intention Statements], there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and wonderful plans: that The occasion one absolutely Commits oneself, then Providence moves too.

"All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events Issues From The Decision, working in our favor; all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material aid that no man could have dreamed would come his way.

"Whatever you can do or Dream You Can, begin it."

The "dream you can" aspect does not refer to woolgathering or construction castles in the sky with no foundations under them. It refers to a commitment that issues from a powerful, considerable Intention to be, do, have, and enjoy sure things in life.

The farmers in my boyhood town of Alger, Ohio, used to say--and they said it every year--"You can't rush these crops. They'll get here when they get here. We do our job and they'll do theirs."

They were right. There is an interval in the middle of seedtime (planting) and harvest. We have to wait out this cycle, don't we. The ask becomes, "Can we enjoy ourselves Right Now while the seed's incubation period, the time while which it is readying itself to manifest?"

For the truly impatient the talk is most likely "No. I can't enjoy myself, not while this thing's unsettled, not while it's up-in-the-air."

A reminder from Dale Carnegie, the author of How to Win Friends and affect people and How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, addresses this issue of human impatience:

"One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon--instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our window today."

The Intention seed you have planted is There, in the ground. It's safe--unless in our insisting on hurrying the process along we rush out every day, spade up the soil while telling ourselves "Nothing's happening," and then, spinning hopelessly and emotionally out of control, replace the seed that's been planted in the ground with another--and another.

"The hidden of success lies in this," Robert Collier wrote many years ago in his book Riches Within Your Reach.

"There is inside you a seed of God capable of drawing to you any element you need, to bring to fruition anything of good you desire. But like all other seeds, its shell must be broken before the kernel inside can use its spirited power. And that shell is thicker, harder, than the shell of any seed on earth. Only one thing can break it--Heat From Within--a desire so strong, a measurement so intense that you carefully throw everything you have into the scale to win what you want."

The "heat from within" Collier mentions is what I'm calling our considerable Intention statements or, if you prefer, our powerfully Intentioned Life. Only you know what you desire more than anything else in life. considerable intention statements are shaped from that knowing.

"Behind every opinion is a Watcher and Mover which directs its course," Matthew Webb writes in his record the Essence of Consciousness. "The Watcher is awareness and Intent is the Mover. energy is the thing moved. When Intent and Awareness are focused together, manifestation occurs via the energy that is moved."

Even though the actual Intention statements themselves are invisible, it is our Intentions that Set The course and determine the Direction in which we are headed.

In someone else record titled Intention and Purpose, Webb says "Everyone is permanently 'broadcasting' their desire in the form of a modulated Intention energy field. This field serves as both an attracting and screening function. It attracts others into our reality. If the desire that they have modulated into their Intention energy field is in resonance with the desire that we have modulated into our Intention energy field."

Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once observed, "Have faith and pursue the unknown ends." That sage guidance is precisely what we are required to do--have faith and pursue the unknown ends. How? By powering up our Intentions and keeping them powered up. We are called on to have some faith in this mysterious process which is being handled by allies behind the scenes, even the faith of a mustard seed will do the job as we're told in the New Testament.

Why faith? Because we don't own, operate, or run the universe as enjoyable as that might sound. We're not running this whole big show.

Our assignment, and it's a huge one, is to set the course or direction for our life by the setting of considerable Intentions to live by and from no matter how exhausted we are after even, let's say, a terribly unsettling day.

The unsettling day you've gone straight through is not the final evidence that what you're doing isn't working. Have a little faith. The kind of faith that moves psychological mountains and emotional molehills out of your way and, in doing so, activates the Law of Attraction.

This faith Justice Holmes refers to isn't the kind that sits around and waits for the universe to serve up one's favorite dishes.

It's a faith formed and shaped from a positive, considerable Intention that is Active. This faith Acts. It's the kind of faith the theologian Teilhard de Chardin claims rolls up its sleeves and "gets things done."

We all want more "Yes" than "No" responses from life, don't we? Yes, yes, yes! Yesses are exciting. Who wants to be told "No!"? "Shuts me down," a Texas woman once told me. "Ah don't like, ah have never taken a liking to the word 'No.' It does not suit me. Ah don't wear 'No' well."

Wouldn't it be wonderful to stop searching for our Intention and plainly come to be it? Our considerable Intentions enable us, as I mentioned earlier, to initiate the Law of Attraction!

"There is no defeat except from within," Elbert Hubbard wrote, "no precisely insurmountable wall save our own potential infirmity of purpose."

For purpose substitute the word Intention and you capture, in that one quote, the essence of this article.

One way to form a considerable Intention statement is to ask yourself, "What is yet unfinished for me to give? What part am I acting in the theater of life? What place have I assigned to myself on that stage? Am I one of the stars in my own play or movie?"

From questions like these, or similar ones, craft a considerable Intention statement, an Intention statement that clearly bears your own unique signature or what the author Marc Gafni calls your "soul print."

Share your Intention statement with your real friends when you feel sure and ready to do so. There's no need for our Intention to disappear inside our heads and never come out again.

A reply to your Intention Requests will often not be far behind a well-thought-out, highly detailed and exact and considerable Intention statement crafted on your part. We don't know exactly How the answers we're seeing for will come but when they do, expect them to show up in the most unexpected ways--ways far more creative and imaginative than we could ever have envisioned.

"If it be not now, yet it will come. The readiness is everything," Shakespeare wrote.

"The things which we attend to come to us by their own laws," the great American psychologist William James observed.

Switch the word opinion to Intention in the following quote by G.K. Chesterton and see if it doesn't, at an intuitive level, ring true:

"I would enounce that thanks are the top form of opinion [Intention], and that happiness is gratitude multiplied by wonder."

We want, we ask, we seek, we knock, we want this, we want that, all the time upward and onward it seems to higher levels of discontent and to what the famous radio comedian Fred Allen called in his book by the same title a "Treadmill to Oblivion."

Since even the cells of our bodies march to the tune of consciousness, let your intention statement be your life and--as great spiritual teachers have all the time pointed out--place the emphasis of your desiring on giving to others as well as receiving from them.

Isn't thanksgiving, wonder, praise and appreciation for what you already have (as well as what you expect to receive) about the most considerable Intention Statement you can imagine?

"Thank you already," is a great Intention Statement to put out there as you call things that are not seen into being as if they already existed. "We are all the time believing ahead of our evidence," the great lecturer Neville Goddard used to remind his audiences.

Life has given us an infinite potential," R. Eugene Nichols points out in his book The Science of reasoning Cybernetics, "presenting us with a blank check we are free to fill in agreeing to our consciousness."

This is learning to live with the "Pulse Beat of Expectation," as Nichols phrases it. My old college professor Howard Clark told my freshman class to enjoy life and live with a sure "restless contentment" while our indiscernible allies behind the scenes work to harmonize our possibility thinking, fine tune it, and key our considerable Intentions into to the field of all probabilities and co-create a matching occasion for us.

The challenge, as we all know, is to allow our considerable Intention Statement to act as a homing opinion to which we continually return when life plainly appears to not be working, when the evidence of our senses says, "See, look! Show me one thing that's going right for you. Why don't you just give up on yourself. You aren't going anywhere. Yesterday your spouse left, today you learned your mother needs to go into a nursing home, and you've got a stack of unpaid bills sitting on the table. You're special? Who's kidding whom?"

What selection do we have when our Intentions are about a million light years away from the life we seem to be living? Give up? Stop trying? Call it quits and tell ourselves, "This doesn't work. I'm living proof," which essentially is the forming of a new Intention statement that says, "Others get the breaks. Me? I don't seem to matter. I'm invisible. Who cares if I fail? Nobody."

Those are considerable reversal Choices and given a life of their own by us, will do everything in their power to find a way to go on existing, just as we do, and the things we despair of become, in their own "magical way" our current reality, a current reality that confirms the considerable Intention statements we made when we were down, discouraged, and depressed (and that we never changed!).

It was Job who said in the Old Testament book named after him, "That which I feared has come upon me." Worry is such a considerable Intention statement but it doesn't serve us well. Set worry aside (acknowledge what you're worrying about but don't give the situation an emotional payment it doesn't deserve) and go for your top enthusiasms in life--those things that Joseph Campbell says create timelessness for you because you love doing them.

There is much to be said for a powerful, vibrant homing opinion (Dr. John Diamond's term in his book Life Energy) to return to as an anchor point when you feel like giving up and throwing in the towel.

When we lift our spirits, we at once solve a many of our imaginary problems! The poet William Blake tells us that "Energy is eternal delight." energy arising from considerable Intentions--both go together like a hand inserted into a glove.

One key to keeping your life-energy and spirit high is being aware of the negatively considerable Intentions from others.

In the book Sri Aurobindo or The Adventure of Consciousness, biographer Satprem notes that we can take in someone's negative or depressed vibration [powerfully reversed Intentions] that originated thousands of miles away. "A whole wave hits you," he observes. We require," he continues, a "protective envelope, our own field of snow around us before they enter us." Satprem calls refers to them as "prowling energies." Let these images or feelings merely flash by, he says, minus their emotional charge, "as on a movie screen."

Let your personal homing thoughts--your considerable Intention Statements--excite you and keep you spirited transmit straight through the rough or "down" times of life when the evidence of your senses says, "My life's a mess and crumbling all around me. I'm a failure. That's all I am," which, of course, you aren't unless your "I'm just a failure" becomes your New Intentional Statement.

Your life will not "crumble" for long if you hit your mark every day (as actors recapitulate the place they're supposed to stand when delivering their lines) by reminding yourself that you do have faith and belief in your future, that your life energy is high, and that you--no matter what your situation is this present moment--are Secure.

Aren't these considerable Intention Statements?

And they work!

So do these reminders from Florence Shinn:

"Nothing is too good to be true. Nothing is too wonderful to happen. Nothing is too good to last."

What incredibly considerable intention statements from a woman who lived her life as she believed life was meant to be lived!

Fortunately for us, she shared her religious doctrine with us in her book (written in 1925) The Game of Life and How to Play It.

All I've written about Intention Power and Why Intention power matters can be summarized by what a young Iowa farm girl told her young man who seemed unable or too shy to pop the question. He had also, it seems, been reticent to arrival any of the town's businessmen and ask for a steady job.

"Richard," she said, "The yoo-hoo you yoo-hoo into the forest is the yoo-hoo you get back!"

Live as if it were impossible to fail. --Dorothea Brande

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Apply For College Grants - Do I Qualify For College Grants? Tips to Apply and Qualify

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my explanation Apply For College Grants - Do I Qualify For College Grants? Tips to Apply and Qualify

The college grants are available to students in varied forms. The key to get them is the right knowledge and to act in time. There are some points that would help you apply & qualify for the college grants.

Apply For College Grants - Do I Qualify For College Grants? Tips to Apply and Qualify

How To Qualify for College Grants

· The right place to look for the college scholarship is the Grants & admission agency of the colleges or university you wish to join.

· There are some discount available on the internet as well. You must look for those.

· Some funds are specified like working women grants, pregnant women grants, society fund, discount for a exact course, etc. In case you are eligible for any one of these, it would be great for you.

· You must apply for more than one grant at the same time. You never know, which one of those might help you.

· Check that the data you furnish in the forms you fill must be no ifs ands or buts accurate & authentic.

· The study scholarships in Us also are available under the head Federal Pell Grants. Pell grants are need based financial aids. The eligible students receive some specified number every year in this program.

· The authorities use a formula that determines the imaginable family gift (Efc) number. That decides either you are eligible for the grant or not.

· The applicants must be under graduate students with no current bachelor's degree.

· One of the basic criteria no ifs ands or buts is that you must be a Us habitancy or an eligible non citizen.

· The maximum number that one can get in a Pell Grant is $ 4,731.

· Besides, Efc or other choosing factors are student's cost of attendance, tuition fees, study fees, room & board, supplies, books, supplies, etc. Also, it matters that how much time does the trainee attend the school that is the full schoraly year or less than that; also either you go full time or part time.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How to Apply For a Job at Kmart

--How To Apply For Unemployment of How to Apply For a Job at Kmart--

read this post here How to Apply For a Job at Kmart

It's real simple. The first thing you need to do is outline out exactly what position you want to apply to, based on your skills and interests. Being one of the largest retailers of mass merchandise in America, this firm currently employs over 100,000 citizen in varied fields.

How to Apply For a Job at Kmart

Basically, jobs in this firm can be divided into two: (1) in-store jobs, and (2) corporate jobs. The n-store jobs pertain to the separate employees working in the Kmart stores. Jobs ready contain positions in buyer service, security, food, and those who want to work as cashiers, and pharmacists. You can also apply to be a store manager. You will be in charge of manufacture sure every person under you works hard and that the store is running efficiently.

Corporate jobs, on the other hand, contain those linked to human resources, marketing, accounting, and data technology, among others. Both kinds of jobs are integral for the prolonged success and popularity of the company. They are also in charge of manufacture sure that the products are priced correctly and distributed on-time to all the Kmart branches in America. Whether you are seeing for a full-time or part-time job, you will categorically find what you are seeing for here.

For hourly job applicants, you can apply in any Kmart store or online through their firm website. Application forms are ready in both English and Spanish. For those applying for corporate positions, email your resume to the Sears keeping Corporation firm website. For those who want to be pharmacists, you can send your resume to the same website, at their Pharmacy vocation Opportunities page.

I have a friend who applied for a cashier position in Kmart. She filled out an English application and submitted it to the store subject nearest her home. Within that week, the store contacted her and told her to come in to an interview. It was a good thing she did her investigate on how the firm works, and she showed off her vibrant personality. The interviews loved her and she was hired only few days after her interview.

You will categorically have an edge over other applicants now that you know how to apply for a job at Kmart.

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